our Team
mike thomas
SPG Start: January 2011
Education: University of North Carolina; History and Political Science major
Super Power: ability to grow fur to withstand freezing cold waters
neil forsyth
SPG Start: May 2015
Education: University of North Carolina; Economics and Sport Administration major
Super Power: ability to heat press with hands
nick kasper
SPG Start: June 2013
Education: University of Dubuque; Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing
Super Power: ability to sniff out the best local food in a city
cori may
SPG Start: May 2019
Education: University of North Carolina; Sports Administration, Media and Journalism major
Super Power: ability to befriend any dog
alessandro corazzina
SPG Start: May 2021
Super Power: superhuman speed
sarah grace lasso
SPG Start: August 2021
Education: University of Mississippi; Sports Administration major
Super Power: telekinesis
marshall bevin
SPG Start: May 2023
Education: Sewanee
Super Power: ice in my veins
caleb skowronek
SPG Start: May 2023
Education: Campbell University
Super Power: ability to fly
daniel kramek
SPG Start: May 2022
Education: UNC Chapel Hill
Super Power: Teleportation
tanner hix
SPG Start: May 2022
Education: NC State
Super Power: ability to clip any panel known to man
tyler petterson
SPG Start: May 2023
Education: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Super Power: ability to make traffic disappear
ana schardong
SPG Start: November 2019
Education: Humphreys University
Super Power: super bicycle kicks
peyton launder
SPG Start: May 2023
Education: UNC Chapel Hill, Media and Journalism
Super Power: super inventorying speed
logan holevas
SPG Start: May 2023
Education: Marian University, Business administration and Marketing
Super Power: time travel
giuliano corazzina
SPG Start: January 2023
Education: Marian University - Marketing, Minor in Graphic Design
Super Power: flying
malik hamilton
SPG Start: May 2023
Education: University of North Carolina At Greensboro; Business Management & Psychology
Super Power: shapeshifting
maggie bryson
SPG Start: May 2022
Education: Guilford College, Majored in Sport Management with a Business Minor
Super Power: ability to dance to any song
berkley the dog
SPG Start: Jan 2011
Super Power: ability to befriend anyone with food